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Can a person I share with potentially delete the entire tree?

–1 vote
I want to share the family tree with another family member.  I am ok if this other person makes changes, however I am concerned about deletions (especially accidental).  Does the person I share with have the same full read/write permissions that I have?
asked Dec 21, 2022 by brianlr123 (130 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
If you are worried about accidental deletions, sharing with someone who might make changes is not a good idea.
answered Dec 22, 2022 by bettD (530 points)
edited Dec 22, 2022 by bettD
0 votes
You can still choice to allow only watching without editing. If someone wants changes and you are aware they can mess things accidentaly - let them write you on e-mail or whatever you prefer and you'll do the changes for them.
answered Dec 29, 2022 by Vasil_Belezhkov (160 points)
+1 vote
Short answer: no they can not delete your tree. Longer answer: Nor can you delete their access to the tree. You can both (if you give them editing rights) edit or delete information from the tree. You can see all changes on the history page. I would recommend checking the edit history before you edit, and  downloading a backup after you make edits. That way you have a backup of the family tree.
answered Dec 30, 2022 by lsommerer (51,650 points)