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multiple trees

0 votes
I have multiple trees all with the same username...the passwords were different. I was sent different links, with different usernames, but if I click on each one it changes the password again. How do I know which tree I'm loggin into? How can I set up different passwords for each tree again?
asked Jun 27, 2015 by sues1971 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I would suggest downloading the various trees and then choosing one account, and uploading them all as separate trees under that one account.  The trees will not mix, you just won't have to worry about separate log-ins.  As for sorting out what is currently happening, I'm afraid I have no idea how that was possible in the first place!  Good luck!
answered Jun 28, 2015 by InTheRootsOfTheTree (1,510 points)