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Is it possible to view the relation of two people on the tree?

+1 vote
i.e. 2nd cousin, etc. etc.
asked May 13, 2020 by MrMilos (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I had the same question, and found the answer in an earlier part of the forum. Short answer: You can't. :(


Here's the link to the longer version of the answer:


answered Jun 16, 2020 by CrankyBeach (180 points)
0 votes
As of 2023:

You can first view the relationship between you and another person by clicking "Show relationship to __", the second button under the name.

Then you can view the relationship between that person and another person by clicking the box with your name on it and selecting another person.
answered Feb 21, 2023 by SWAP-Ensemble (140 points)