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Relationship Calculater

0 votes
How do I caclulate the relationship between 2 people in my tree
asked Apr 21, 2020 by steveray1968 (160 points)
Select person > show relationship to selected person > Then click where it says your name and select a second person you want to see the relationship.

2 Answers

0 votes
You'll have to use some other program. You can't do this in Family Echo.
answered Apr 21, 2020 by Red_Five (1,430 points)
0 votes

I am assuming you are talking about cousins.  You have to do it manually.

Find your first common ancestor.

Count the number of generations between each person and that ancestor. Don't count the person or the common ancestor.

The smaller number will be the cousin count (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc).  Any difference between the two counts is the removal number.

Example:  If person 1 has 4 generations between him/her to the common ancestor and person 2 has only 2 then they are 2nd cousins twice removed.

answered Apr 21, 2020 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)