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Can my relative modify my tree and make it his tree and save it in his account?

0 votes
I share the tree with my relative and he wants to modify my tree by eliminating some members and adding some members.  How can he do that, instead of retyping a large part of my tree?
asked May 4, 2020 by James#21 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
He can use the [Download / export this family...] button (bottom left) to download a GEDCOM or FamilyScript copy of your tree.  Then he can click on the [My Account] button. Click on the [Create or import new family] button.  Then click on the [Import GEDCOM or FamilyScript...] button to upload the file he just downloaded.  He can edit that tree without effecting yours.
answered May 6, 2020 by DanUgrin (21,640 points)