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Once you select a gender and save the document, can you change it to show no gender?

0 votes
507 views asked May 19, 2015 by meggold (120 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
No right now you can not change the gender back to no genderl once you have selected boy or girl. You'd have to delete the box if you can and add a new box .This has been asked before so maybe they will evenutally change this.
answered May 20, 2015 by jds1983 (7,260 points)
Gender required to have child
+2 votes
you simply go into the persons details and choose OTHER
answered Jul 16, 2015 by tezza123 (260 points)
0 votes

jds1983's answer was correct when he wrote it, but a recent update made it so that, as tezza123 stated, you can now simply switch to 'Other'.

I hope this answer clears up any confusion.

answered Jul 17, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)