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Gender required to have child

0 votes
Speaking of gender, I just tried to add a sibling for someone on my tree...I am unsure if it was a brother or a sister but I know that the sibling in question had a daughter.  I was intending to add the genderless white box and then add the daughter below that, but it would not let me until I chose the parent's gender.  It would be awesome if you didn't have to choose that in order to link a child!  Basically I've met the child in question but can't remember if she belongs to the original person's brother or sister...yet I need a placeholder for the time being, in order to include the child on my tree.  Sad day!  I just picked Female for now but it may get confusing later as this is a distant person on the tree.
asked Jun 19, 2015 by InTheRootsOfTheTree (1,510 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I'd advise keeping them as female for now, and maybe put an explainatory note in Bio notes or the name boxes. You can always change the gender later.
answered Jun 30, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)