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Anon 614 - for Family Echo please

+2 votes
A box just popped up on my tree saying 'Anon 614', although its name boxes are empty. Is this a bug or something technical?
asked May 14, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
It may be that you added someone to the tree (possibly accidentally) without adding any details for them. Are you able to delete the box?
answered May 17, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,250 points)
I can delete the box (I have), but it appeared immediately after I deleted a woman’s husband. It was ‘married’ to that woman even though I hadn’t married her to anyone else yet. I don’t think I had just added anyone to the tree without adding details, because in this situation the box usually will just say ‘Partner of X’.
There don’t seem to be any problems because of this:  I can still use the tree as normal. I am slightly concerned if this could be some sort of bug though.
Thanks for your reply!
This has happened to me before too. The Anon's just appeared automatically sometimes their attached to someone but I've had them be stand alone as well not attached to any other box. I just delete them its never effected the tree but I'd always wondered about them. Yeah if someone had been added by a user on accident it wouldn't say "Anon" .
0 votes
answered Jan 1 by rocketmoore8 (7,400 points)