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I wanted to check my history, so I went over and found people disconnected from the tree, is my account corrupted?

+1 vote

It broke and started adding things like "Anon 1,"Anon 2," "Anon 3," etc., all the way up to "Anon 13." And then there was "Anon 241," the one thing I actually remember deleting. And it wasn't on there! Is my account corrupted? I checked the frequently asked questions and this really wasn't one of them.

asked Dec 3 by rocketmoore8 (2,420 points)
Please let me know if anyone else experiences this.
this is pretty late, but i've also experienced people called "anon (number)" suddenly showing up on my tree, completely unrelated to anyone. i've utilized it, and besides that the tree works pretty well, but i'm also curious for an answer if anyone knows it!

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Dec 9 by fcpscamo (190 points)