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Marriage between siblings (ancient egyptian family tree)

+2 votes

I know it sounds weird!!! It's not a family tree for my own family, haha

The reason I need it is because I'm making a family tree for an ancient egyptian family, where some of the membersimage married and had children with their siblings, but I can't seem to make them have so in the programmeimage :O I would be very happy if you could show me how or make it possible :D


Thanksimage anyways!

asked Apr 16, 2015 by chella1010 (150 points)
edited Apr 19, 2015 by chella1010

1 Answer

+1 vote
This is an issue. I had this issue personally, and I have also answered another question (that one about making a tree for Game of Thrones!). It appears that the tree will only allow relations between cousins at closest; I would recommend reposting this with a 'feature-request' tag to bring it to the attention of Family Echo so they can do something about it. It would undoubtedly be a useful feature for historical (hopefully) families.
answered Apr 16, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,960 points)
Yeah, thanks so much, I will do that immediately, I hope it'll give a reult! :D Thanks for the reply, I'm glad I'm not alone in the problem, hehe ^^
You're welcome, hope you get a response!