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Is there a way to BOLD or IDENTIFY the founder

0 votes

I am preparing a family tree and I would like to be able to easily Identify one person in the family tree. I.e. the founder showing up with a bolded box etc . I am printing out in B&W so colour doesnt mean much.



asked Apr 10, 2015 by tezza123 (260 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
You can select "back to me" at the bottom, which should identify the founder in bold. Then, you can take a screen capture with the control and print screen keys on the keyboard. You can then paste this image into a word document or other means and then print. Hope this helps.
answered Apr 10, 2015 by erisedstar30259 (5,550 points)
0 votes
After playing with the tree a bit i found a alternate way to do this. Instead of going to problem of bolding etc If you go into the founder and set as OTHER in the gender it neither marks them as male (Blue) or Female (Pink), instead it keeps the cell white. This makes the person stand out from the rest of the tree and when printed it allows you to highlight with a highlighter etc.. you get the image.
answered Jul 16, 2015 by tezza123 (260 points)
0 votes
You can see the answer in this post:   http://answers.familyecho.com/47/how-do-i-change-the-person-my-family-tree-was-founded-by   thanks to FamilyEchoSupport.
answered Apr 13, 2017 by Dragnoov (4,020 points)