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Is there a way to specify Jr, the III, the IV, etc?

0 votes
Curious if there is a way to specify if someone is a Sr, Jr, III etc

Because putting it in the first names section makes it show up like

"John MiddleName Jr Doe"

instead of

"John MiddleName Doe Jr"

if that makes sense. Thank you!
asked Oct 30, 2018 by wesleycoats (120 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
In my tree, for example I do the following:

In the field for First Name, type in first name and middle name or initial if they have one fllowed by a comma then the suffix or even prefix.


John Davis Doe III = First Name: John Davis, III     Last Name: Doe


Hope that helps!
answered Oct 31, 2018 by LTask353 (320 points)