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How do I have half-siblings marry each other?

+1 vote
Ex: Person A and Person B get married. Person A and Person B's father is Person C, but they have different mothers. Familyecho won't let me change the parentage of Person B to include Person C.
asked Mar 29, 2015 by ginbearhound (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
There is no way to have incestuous marriages on familyecho, as far as I know. If they are not half-siblings, you can marry them by selecting the "add partner" in the sidebar. Hope this helps.
answered Mar 30, 2015 by erisedstar30259 (5,510 points)
0 votes
Click 'Add Partner' on one of the siblings. Click 'Partner with person already on tree'. Find the other sibling on this menu.

The tree will display the siblings twice, once for their original entry and once for them marrying their half-sibling. They will still only count as one person each, and their duplicate will be marked 'Duplicate'. Unfortunately, the tree will not form closed loops between people.
answered Apr 1, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)