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Unable to create new families + Can not retrieve previous families

+4 votes

Hi everyone, 

I am not sure if anyone else is having this issue at the moment, but I'm one of the many people who are currently experiencing the error with being unable to retrieve any of the saved familes. But I am also unable to create any new family trees. Can anyone help me out with this? 

Thank you, 


asked Aug 11, 2018 by YumeShiinaide (190 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
While I'm unable to answer this, I'm the same. I've tried logging out, creating a new family, logging back in, but that doesn't seem to work. And I have to say, an answer to this would be REALLY helpful! I think anyone experiencing these problems agree!
answered Aug 11, 2018 by TillyLil (260 points)
+1 vote
Apologies - we had a temporary issue with a server and everything should be OK now.
answered Aug 11, 2018 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,170 points)