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Family tree could not be located.

+1 vote
I have been using familyecho for 4 years now to create my family tree, but all of a sudden, all my information on my account has disappeared and my family could not be located. This is most inconvenient. What has happened to this data and how can I restore it? Why could familyecho not locate it?
closed with the note: Family tree reappeared.
asked Oct 28, 2017 by erisedstar30259 (5,500 points)
closed Nov 1, 2017 by erisedstar30259

2 Answers

+1 vote
The same thing has happened to me today - absolutely everything has just disappeared.
answered Oct 28, 2017 by johnaldo (160 points)
Mine is also gone. Hoping its just a temporary thing.
Mine has just reappeared - Phew!!
0 votes
All my information has come back; I think the problem has been resolved.
answered Oct 28, 2017 by erisedstar30259 (5,500 points)