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Is it possible to change the original base user to another individual on the tree?

0 votes
When the tree was started, it began through my wife.  As it has grown, I would love for the tree to point back to me as I am the one curating this tree.  Any idea on how I can make the "You" designation point to a different member on the tree?
asked Mar 20, 2017 by therief (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Here is the answer..  I found that we can assign the primary user person with a different association first to move.  in my case, i moved it to another parent first to move the primary.  That allowed me to remove the unwanted boxes...  Then i could reesablish the relationship.  It was little convoluted way, but it worked.

Hope this helps.  Thanks
answered Mar 20, 2017 by Ravi6k47 (180 points)
edited Mar 20, 2017 by Ravi6k47
+2 votes

Check out my answer to a previous similar question from a couple months ago.

answered Mar 21, 2017 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)