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How to show wife maiden name in Partners tab of Sidebar

0 votes
When selecting the Partners tab, it shows the wife's married surname rather than their maiden name, even when Surname at Birth is selected for the tree (which does show her maiden name).

It really makes no sense to show married name, as when there are multiple, they all show the same surname.  It would be better to show each wife's maiden name at the time of marriage.
asked Jun 16, 2016 by mikeb00 (3,070 points) 1 flag

1 Answer

–1 vote

In the surname now box type in for example "Jones nee Smith"  It will then show up in your chart.

answered Oct 11, 2016 by harpam (140 points)
That's not an efficient way to do this.  I've already entered the maiden name in the Surname At Birth field, which is where it goes.  One shouldn't have to enter it again, rather the Partner tab should show that field.  It really doesn't make sense to show the wife's married name when viewing the husband's partner(s).