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Chinese names: display surname first, then full given name

+2 votes
Hi all,

Is it possible to display Chinese names in the customary way? That is, Surname then Given name.

For example, Tony Leung (the actor) has a Chinese name of "Leung Chiu Wai", where Leung is his family name, and Chiu Wai is his given name. If you fill in the fields as such in Family Echo, it will display his name as "Chiu Leung". You can add a hyphen between Chiu and Wai in order to force it to display as "Chiu-Wai Leung" but ideally there would be an option to display the full given name. And I'm not even sure where one would put the "Tony" part of his name at this stage.

In fact, it would be quite cool if there was a "Display name" field where you could just type in "Tony Leung Chiu Wai" or anything you'd like to display as that person's name.

asked Feb 23, 2015 by confusticate@gmail.com (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Thanks for the question.

In terms of showing the "middle name" (as it would be considered in the USA) of Wai, there's an option in the 'Show' menu at the bottom to do that.

Your other comment about showing surnames before first names, or just entering a display name, are noted for future development.
answered Feb 24, 2015 by gidgreen (10,940 points)
Was this ever added to the progam?