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Was this ever added to the progam?

0 votes
Are we now able to do so in Family Echo?
asked Mar 14, 2022 by StraboSE (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

There are a couple of new options that I think will let you do what you want to do. 

  1. There is now an option (under "Show options" at the bottom) to set whether the given name is displayed before or after the surname. 
  2. You can also assign a Nickname. The nickname appears in quotes after the given name. You get to the nickname field (as well as Title and Suffix) by clicking the triangle toggle after Name.
  3. You also have (again, under show options) a more fine grained control over what names are displayed on your family tree. 
answered Mar 15, 2022 by lsommerer (51,650 points)
Thank you. I will now be adding nicknames to my family trees.