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Why do women show left of the men?

0 votes
I noticed that women (pink) appear on the left, while men (blue) appear on the right. Is it possible to change this so that the man is on the left and woman on the right? Also birthdate does not seem to affect order (at least between partners/marriages).
asked Sep 19, 2015 by george92 (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
To answer your question in reverse, birthdate will only affect the order in the case of siblings, where they will be ordered left to right.

As for your main query, I imagine women show on the left of men for the purposes of laying the tree out neatly and uniformly. You can change the genders of people on the tree, but this may compromise on neatness in presentation.

Hope this helps!
answered Sep 24, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)
+1 vote
You can now change the woman on left, men or right (I did!)


Under "Options" on your tree, it now has "Left Partner" with a drop down menu where you can make that selection.

You can also now change the color of men/women, and even the type of connection lines!
answered Jun 5, 2022 by Egunning83 (480 points)