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How can I add place of birth and religious orientation in addition to dates?

0 votes
I need to add info on my relatives besides just date of birth and death. When i try to add this info, it only lets me show one aspect at a time. How can I get it to show dates, religion, and place of birth all at once?
asked Sep 12, 2015 by zizi535 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There is no way to add religion and place of birth onto the tree so you can see it without selecting people one at a time (you can show life dates, by using the scroll menu at the bottom of the screen). However, in the Biographical section, you can add in place of birth, and you can use Bio Notes for religion and anything else you might want to add.

Hope this helps!
answered Sep 13, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)