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I have two cousins with a common great grand father who got married.

0 votes
I entered them first without seeing the select from a person already on the chart. Then when i did see this I deleted one person and then added that person again as someone already on the chart. i have duplicates now. I am wondering the best way to resolve this.
asked Sep 5, 2015 by Redwoodhippie (330 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You should delete until you have only one of each person, and then select partner with someone already on the tree. This will mean there will be only one of each person, whowill appear twice on the tree (with spouse and as cousin).
answered Sep 5, 2015 by erisedstar30259 (5,510 points)
Will deleting the duplicate of each of these two people be enough deleting or do I have to delete all descendants as well.
When you click on a duplicate box, it automatically takes you too the person's main box.