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Delete just the extra listing of each spouse or also all their descendants?

0 votes
I deleted Rose in her birth line and still had her in Nathan's birth line. Then I deleted her from Nathan;s line also and reentered her in her own birth line. I then connected Rose and Nathan using the connect to a person already on the chart and then connected her to all her children as their mother.  

Now if I go to Abraham, Rose and Nathan's common great grand father and then use the cursor to slide over and down along Nathan's birth line, (Abraham to son Lazarus to son Abraham to Nathan) to Nathan, he and Rose and all their descendants are shown as duplicates. If I click on either Rose or Nathan they are then shown as regular's not duplicates each being shown in their respective birth line.

If I go to Abraham, Rose and Nathan's common great grand father and then use the cursor to slide over and down along Rose's birth line, (Abraham to son Lob to son David to Rose) to Rose, she and Nathan are shown as regular's not duplicates.

Why should one birth line show regular's and the other duplicates. I am wondering if deleting Nathan as I did Rose and then reentering him is the answer. Or do I have to do something else?  Do I have to delete all Rose and Nathan's descendants?
asked Sep 6, 2015 by Redwoodhippie (330 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This is normal. The dynamic tree will show you how they are connected as relatives and how they are connected as spouses (if that's what's happening). I have a similar situation. Actually, I have two situations like yours, and another which is way more complicated than that. I always get the duplicates. However, they only show when I click on the people concerned. If I click on someone that has only a distant connection with on of them, then I get only one listing and no duplicates shown.

I tried to use other services just so i would not get that problem but I just wasted my time. Also, the only way to fix that is to draw the tree with pen and paper.
answered Sep 8, 2015 by Alashfaaq (260 points)