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I started my tree with the youngest member rather than me, can I change 'me'

0 votes
The first box I now understand was supposed to be myself.

However, I started with the youngest members of the tree and worked up.

I now see that the 'me' box is highlighted, so can I change the 'me' box to my real self?
asked Aug 26, 2015 by Carl2206 (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
You can include dates of birth which should rearrange the people in age order. Alternatively you can delete the youngest member and add him again at the end. Hope this solves your problem.
answered Aug 26, 2015 by erisedstar30259 (5,510 points)
+1 vote
At present, I do not believe there is a way to change the tree's founder (who is taken as the very first member of the tree). You can rearrange the DOBs but this will unfortunately not change the tree founder. You also cannot delete the founder.

I'm sorry this is not more helpful.
answered Aug 27, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)
Starting new tree to change founder?