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Starting new tree to change founder?

0 votes
I made a similar mistake as the person above!  It sounds like the only solution is just to remake the entire tree, starting from scratch-- but will that work?  If I start a whole new tree, will it give me the option to input a new founder?
asked Aug 27, 2015 by theArchitect (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Turns out this works!  I just remade the entire thing as a new tree, and it allowed me to set myself as the founder properly this time.  Now my question is: does clicking 'remove' from the Account page actually delete a tree if I have not shared it with anyone?
answered Aug 27, 2015 by theArchitect (160 points)
Yes, you will no longer have access to the tree, although people you have shared the tree with will.