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Third parent errors.

+1 vote
Imagine that I call a character Lucia and her parents are separated and both have partners. When I set her father's partner as stepmother and I click on "show relationship with Lucia", it comes out as "second parents" and it comes out as Lucia being his stepdaughter, which is correct. But if I do the same with her mother's partner as stepfather and I click on "show relationship with Lucia", it comes out as "third parents" and it comes out as daughter and I don't like that and it's incorrect. What is the reason for that? And how can I fix it?
asked Sep 2 by jfrn (140 points) 1 flag

1 Answer

0 votes
If you look at Lucia's biography it should show the relationship with all parents.
answered Sep 15 by janet229 (290 points)