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How can my family members view the entire family tree?

0 votes
I tried sharing the tree with various family members and each one is complaining that they can only see the immediate family under which their name falls. For example if one family is  James Oscar family and another is Tim Brown family, when I share with a member of Oscar family he will only see all the names under Oscar family. He can't see the members under Browne family although everybody is one family.

I think the idea of having the tree and sharing it with all family members to view would make everybody feel happy to see and learn of their  extended  family members.   Please advse.
asked Aug 10, 2015 by jab294 (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It sounds like your family members may have the generation settings set to minimum; they can increase the number of generations shown using the scroll menus at the bottom of the screen.

If not, this may be a bug or a problem with the sharing process. If you trust your family you could give them the details to your own account (where I presume there is no problem), or maybe export your tree to your family's accounts.

Hope this helps!
answered Aug 26, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,960 points)