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I cannot edit my own family tree as it says "This family is read only."

0 votes


Hi all, 


I had created a family tree almost. a year ago. Today, I signed into my account and wanted to modify the tree. However it said this family is read only.


How can I resolve this issue?


Thank you in advance.

asked Jun 23 by emreore (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The cause of this problem is an intermittent networking issue between two of our servers. We're in touch with our hosting provider to diagnose and fix it.

In the meantime, for problems loading the family, please simply refresh the page. And for problems saving the family, click the 'Save' button in the top right to retry.

The safe and secure storage of your family data is not affected by this problem, which is only related to communication between servers.
answered Jun 23 by gidgreen (10,920 points)
Thank you for your answer! Unfortunately the problem is still ongoing :( Would there be any chance to copy the tree so that I can edit it? I hope that Family Echo admins might help me with it.