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I added and aunt and uncle twice

+1 vote
I added a Joseph Marchand twice and his wife Catherine.  I was confused and thought there were 3 generations of Joseph Marchand, but I think there were on two on this particular line.        How do I delete without erasing others? Should I go back and re assign  all to the proper parents first?


Thank you

asked Feb 27 by Flemingfam2024 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I think I would delete the extra Catherine, then make all of the children have the right mother (this will look odd until you do the next step). Then I would delete the extra Joseph, then fix all of the children to have the right father. You can't delete them both at once, because Family Echo won't let you split the tree like that.
answered Feb 27 by lsommerer (51,650 points)