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How do I add multiple branches of my family to the same tree?

0 votes
Probably something really obvious but Currently on my tree it will let me add partners, children ect. and I have one side of the family going back up a few generations, but when I then select my mother, it doesn't give me an option to add her parents and take the family tree up that way?


The only option it gives it to create a new family, but we are all the same family??



I also have second cousins etc going outwards on my dad's side, and seem to be able to continually add more and more branches off of my dad's side of the family, but I can't add any previous generations on my mother's side.
asked Jan 10 by joshletten@btinternet.com (150 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
If you go to options, you can click to add more gens.
answered Jan 14 by milanjg (380 points)
Sorry maybe I wasn't clear.

I can view all the generations, but I'm trying to add branches of extended family, but when I click on people to branch off of, I just get given an option to start a new tree instead