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How can I mass delete people?

0 votes
I recently made a family tree for a storyline of mine. It's about 104 people large, and It's separated into five branches for the most part: the Pavlovics (main character's mother's family), the Ravans (main character's father's family), the Weisers (main character's ex-wife's family), the Solteros (main character's ex-wife's new husband's family), and the Chis (main character's new wife's family).

Long story short, I made a version of the story that's very different and need to get rid of the Solteros and Weisers, but it seems like I have to pick them off one-by-one. What do I do?
asked Feb 22, 2023 by Dante_Stone (960 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and answer my own question here, because I found out how to do it.

You can download the tree as a FamilyScript file and manually delete people. It'll give you their names, so it's pretty easy to tell who to delete and who not to. If the people you're deleted were all made in succession, then you can delete them all at once, but if not you'll have to go through and pick off whatever stragglers are left behind.

The one flaw with this is that I haven't found out how to get rid of the right marriages yet, so I have a lot of invisible anonymous people in the tree that you can only see if you search for them. They're called names like "Anon 23" or "Anon 50" or something like that.
answered Feb 22, 2023 by Dante_Stone (960 points)