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Is there any way to add more than two sets of parents?

0 votes
Someone has two sets of adoptive parents as well as biological ones and I would like to add both.
asked Feb 8, 2023 by noahsykes (120 points)
Do you mean that they were legally adopted by one family and then something happened so that they were no longer members of that family (only tragic things come to mind) and they were adopted by a second family?

1 Answer

–3 votes
Yes. Click on the person you want to add another set of parents for, you'll have the option to create another set (foster or adopted) or set their secondary parents to someone already on the family tree. You also have the ability to click on the main person, then click on the button "Change or Delete". At the top should be "Change Parents" and you'll have that ability as well as the ability to assign a set to whether they're foster, adoptive, or biological parents.
answered Mar 5, 2023 by animelove_08 (280 points)
Thanks that's exactly what i need to deal with as well.