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Is there a way to share a family without others being able to edit it?

+1 vote
I want to share a family but don't want people to be able to edit it. As far as I can see, anyone with an account can edit a tree that's been shared with them.

If this isn't possible, is there a way to duplicate a family so that I have a backup?
asked Feb 6, 2023 by DragonVale_Breeding_Hints (200 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
When you share your family tree, there is a checkbox that says whether or not that person can edit the tree.

You can duplicate your family tree by downloading a GEDCOM or FamilyScript file of your tree and then uploading that same file. Then you will have two identical copies. Note that pictures are not exported or imported.
answered Feb 9, 2023 by lsommerer (50,890 points)
selected Feb 14, 2023 by DragonVale_Breeding_Hints
Ah, I should have clarified... I'm sharing via link not email, so that checkbox won't work for me.

Also, thank you for the info on duplication :)
When you uncheck the checkbox, it changes the parameters in the link as well. I believe the link is also changed to not allow editing. But I didn't actually test this.
Thank you very much! :) I checked and it looks like the checkbox works for the link too. Thanks!