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Please allow splitting the tree

+1 vote
I know this sounds odd, but I'm trying to map out the family tree of a multi-family household. You know, the kind where there's parent-like individuals but they aren't actually your parents so you don't want to add an actual parent connection where there isn't one, or two people who grew up together and consider each other siblings despite having different parents. Currently, this isn't an option because the program doesn't let you split the tree, and it's incredibly frustrating.
asked Jan 27, 2023 by bluejay227 (130 points)
edited Jan 29, 2023 by bluejay227

1 Answer

0 votes

That's sort of the nature of a family tree. It is meant to show the people you are genetically or legally related to. You might be better off with a generic heirarchy creation program where you control where everything is located. 

answered Jan 29, 2023 by lsommerer (51,710 points)