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In the early 18th century we had cousins marry each other within the family.

0 votes
How to I input them as married and not have one of them split from their parents. There is always one partner with a dotted line leading up to nowhere .
asked Jan 20, 2023 by lolyh (120 points) 1 flag

1 Answer

+1 vote
That dotted line is to show that there are more relationships with that person that can not be readily shown. This is usually due to the fact that there is no way for the computer, and maybe a person too, to figure out how to show the relationships without having one line cross over another. If you click on the person with the dotted line, it will shift the display to showing those boxes that would be impossible to display otherwise.
answered Jan 22, 2023 by lsommerer (51,650 points)