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I want to access the API for my Family Tree, mind sending the format of the filescript?

0 votes
The Other question which is related to API, is the Authentication and what I want to do is keep adding the data on my family gradually and when I call the API, I should get the latest person added on it, is that something possible?
asked Jan 19, 2023 by nandmin (120 points)
Can someone help me here.

1 Answer

0 votes

The API takes a GEDCOM or, I'm assuming, a FamilyScript document and returns a link to the family tree that Family Echo creates from that document. Is that what you're looking for?

Here's a link to a simple python example that uses the API

answered Mar 3, 2023 by lsommerer (48,700 points)
edited Mar 6, 2023 by lsommerer