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can I revert to an older version?

+3 votes
135 views asked Jan 9, 2023 by BigBotz (150 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
As far as I know, there is not way to revert your tree to an older version of itself. Sorry.


This could be an interesting feature in the future, though.
answered Jan 11, 2023 by Dante_Stone (940 points)
0 votes
I too, occationally wish that I could revert to an older version, so I regularely export my family tree. That way I can import that version if I need to go back. Note that you have to export it as a GEDCOM or FamilyScript file to reimport it, and export files do not contain pictures.
answered Jan 13, 2023 by lsommerer (48,700 points)