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There is multiple marriages in my family under one name. How will I arrange them?

+2 votes
There is multiple marriages in my family under one name. Such as years years ago our grand grand father married with 2 sisters from the same family. Also some families has connection from both sisters. 2 brother married with 2 sisters. Family combination problems. How will I show that examples? Also for printing, couldn’t take the print out. I saved the document but didn’t open the file. Any print out info?
asked Jan 7, 2023 by Zezee (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
It is generally impossible for a program to to show brothers from a family marrying sisters from another family all on the tree and show those relationships. It doesn't know which lines are the most important, and how to arrange the boxes so that it makes sense. there are programs that let you manually move lines and boxes around.

You can probably find answers to your question about printing by searching for print in the search box at the top.
answered Jan 18, 2023 by lsommerer (51,650 points)