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How can I indicate an entry is the Patriarch of my family?

+1 vote
Is there a way for me to signify someone as the patriarch of a family, without including "Patriarch" in the entry name? For example, Different color boxes from M/F/Unknown Sex colors, box patterns, etc.?
asked Nov 21, 2022 by DocWheels (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The closest functionality to that is probably the founder (the person you start the tree with) but other than that, there's no other way to indicate it than putting it in one of their fields as far as I know. You can change the founder by exporting it as a GEDCOM or FamilyScript file then importing it to a new tree then choosing the founder. Pictures won't be retained, however.
answered Nov 22, 2022 by Z-Rena (1,640 points)