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Seeing basic relations between two different relatives

+2 votes
Is there a way to be able to see the relationship between two different relatives? So like if I were to use this on a person and that person's mother's sister's daughter, it's tell me that the two are cousins?

If not, I think that would be a good addition in the future.
asked Nov 15, 2022 by Dante_Stone (960 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer
When you click on a person, there is a button on the main page called "Show Relationship to [Name of the person you click on]" which will by default display the relationship to the founder (the person you started the tree with). You can also change who to show the relationship to by entering the name in the dropdown. This will tell you the full relationship between the two people who you select. However, as of now, it only shows the shortest relationship (including partners), so shortest blood relationships are not shown if there is a shorter relationship through a partner. I do hope it adds an option to see blood relationships or other types of relationships in the future, though, but it should suit your needs for now.
answered Nov 21, 2022 by Z-Rena (1,640 points)
selected Dec 29, 2022 by Dante_Stone