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Sorting by Company

+1 vote

This question comes out of curiosity, to be perfectly honest.

So, let's say many of the members of my family tree worked for the same companies. Is there any way for me to incorporate some sort of list where all the people who worked for such company appear altogether? Not necessarily linked in the tree, just a way to have them ordered.

Hope the question makes sense haha, I'm pretty sure the answer's no but I'm checking with y'all just in case :)

asked Nov 7, 2022 by AshGeneration (540 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer
One of the ways you can export your tree is in CSV format. Every spreadsheet program can import CSV files. Once you have your tree in a spreadsheet, you can sort by any of the columns.
answered Nov 9, 2022 by lsommerer (50,620 points)
selected Nov 9, 2022 by AshGeneration
I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for this.

Many thanks!