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What is the difference between Intrests and Activities?

+1 vote
I don't really understand what "Activities" are suppose to be. I tests is understandable but couldn't you have activities and intrests be the same thing? Like Art, Sports, or Robotics for example? It's a bit confusing.
asked Oct 28, 2022 by Catie_13 (130 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
I guess "Activities" could be things that a person did for school/work while "Interests" could be for their hobbies. It could also be for things that they're doing right now and "Interests" could be for stuff they want to do in the future. You can use the fields however you like in ways that make sense to you, even in ways that they're not intended for, since they don't have any functions other than display.
answered Nov 22, 2022 by Z-Rena (1,640 points)
0 votes
Activities can be things that the person was known for but weren't necessarily jobs.  If your family member, for example, volunteered as a church treasurer, you could put that there.  I also include, for my younger members, things that they enjoy doing like playing basketball.  I use interests for people's favorite things that aren't necessarily things to do.  My difference is if they play basketball, its an activity, but if they watch it, its an interest.
answered Dec 5, 2022 by PearsonsFamily (770 points)