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I can't change the birth order by choosing born later or born earlier?

0 votes
I can click born earlier on a person but it wont move after a certain point
asked Oct 14, 2022 by Wolfferret (240 points)
Can you give any more information on what you're seeing? Do any of the siblings have birthdays? How many siblings are there? Who are you trying to move, and when do they stop moving? Anything else that might let someone else reproduce the problem.

1 Answer

0 votes
Click on one of the siblings, you'll see a button 'Change or delete' (left).

Now click 'Change sibling order'. The rest should be self-explanatory.

NB: as soon as the siblings have burth dates, this option will not be available, because the order is given!


Copied from the FAQ (!!): Add the birth date (or even just the birth year) of each brother or sister, and they will be reordered according to age. If you don't know the birth years for some people, click 'Change or delete' then 'Change birth order' and click to move them as appropriate.
answered Dec 27, 2022 by ajkoning17 (650 points)