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How to read a .pdf from Family Echo

0 votes
My cousin gave me a .pdf of all his work from family echo.  It is too small for me to read.  I am now a member of family echo.  Can I import that .pdf into my account to make it readable?

My cousin is sadly no longer with us, (happened soon after he sent me the file), and he has done all this work and I know he would want it to be recovered and preserved, and passed on.  He was in the process of adding the birthdate info etc. at the time, but I do have the names on the file but it is too small to read.

I would like to create, at least, a paper family tree from the .pdf that he sent to me, but the file is so small that you can't read the names.  Any assistance at all would be appreciated.

asked Sep 18, 2022 by thurray (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The longest journey starts with the first step – A PDF FILE DOES have a ZOOM feature for make it as big as you screen will allow - as for inputting your the DATA into a GEDCOM Format that another topic, I am afraid that a PDF FILE DOES NOT  have capabilities to do that (yet) - i.e. you will have to re-put each entry in the right boxes as it were all over again into Family Echo - it's not a bad thing, it will give you a chance to correct any miss information.

However; if you just want to keep in paper form you can do that too. It just makes it tough to share your information with others in your family.


Good Luck


From Boston, MA USA







the capabilities to be imported into the GEDCOM format
answered Sep 25, 2022 by thomharte (310 points)