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For FamilyEchoSupport

0 votes
Why did you make an option for gender to be set to Other?
asked Jul 8, 2015 by tessypop2 (830 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes

I know you asked for this question to be answered by Family Echo themselves, and normally I would respect that, but in this particular case I feel able to step in, as I believe it may have been my question, one requesting an option to set gender to 'other', which prompted Family Echo to add this feature.

I felt that the option would be useful if I didn't know someone's gender, for example when researching very old families and gender isn't listed. I also like using blank boxes as places to write short notes on the tree.

The reason that I believe it was my question that promted this update is that I have never seen another question to the same effect on this forum. My original question is under the title: 'Changing gender to neutral'.

I hope this answers your question satisfactorily. If you would like me to remove this answer, just comment and I will hide it.


answered Jul 8, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
You're welcome. I know that it can be confusing. :)
+4 votes

     There are people either identify as neither male or female (non-binary) or both. Before the 'Other' option was added, people very forced to put male or female,now we have a bit more gender equality, whether that was the original intention or not.

answered Jul 14, 2015 by TinyDino (220 points)