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I want to connect one family with another

+2 votes
Currently im working on family tree of two different persons and want to demonstrate hhow are teyre conect with each other. But it does not show me the whole family tree, It only lets me shen I click in the persons name. Is there a way I can do this?
asked Sep 9, 2022 by lee.park@swkey.org (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Generally speaking, you can display all of the ancestors and descendents of any one person in the tree. You can often display everyone in a relalitvely simple tree by clicking on the "correct" person.

Additionally, there are some options that you can set that determine how "far" from the clicked person people will be displayed. To set this, click "Show options" at the bottom of the screen and set Parents, Children, and Others to their max values.

This is a pretty generic answer, so if you try this and still can't see both people on the tree at once, it might help to report back and tell us how they are related.

answered Sep 9, 2022 by lsommerer (51,650 points)