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Is it against the rules to create a fictional family tree?

0 votes
related to an answer for: Predictive names
closed with the note: It is finished and doesn't need to be dealt with anymore.
asked Jul 8, 2015 by tessypop2 (830 points)
closed Jul 9, 2015 by tessypop2

1 Answer

+7 votes
Best answer
No, several people, myself included, have made fictional family trees. A big one seems to be for Game of Thrones, which was made possible by recent updates! You can also make historical trees, say of Egyptian royalty.

In short, have fun!!!
answered Jul 8, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,970 points)
selected Oct 9, 2015 by tessypop2
Thank you for your answer.
Also works a treat for people like myself who play Sims!