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How do I get a divorced or annulled couple to remarry?

0 votes
Please answer this ! Am really stuck!!!!
closed with the note: It couldn't be resolved
asked Jul 8, 2015 by tessypop2 (830 points)
closed Jul 13, 2015 by tessypop2

1 Answer

+1 vote
Simply go to one of the people's 'Partners' tab, click on 'Edit partnership details' and select 'Married' from the scroll menu.

If the people in question have been set to other or no partners go to the 'Personal' tab, click on 'Change or delete', then on 'Change Partner' and finally on 'Set partner to [insert name here]'. This will make the line connecting the two people bold, symbolising they are current partners.

Hope this helps!
answered Jul 8, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
Set them both so the other person is their current partner, then the tree should show them as husband and wife in the Partners tab.

If not please could you give me a bit more detail?
OK, so I am doing a Friends family tree (from the TV show), and during the series Ross and Rachel got divorced, but, it was implied at the end of the series after it had ended, they got remarried. That's what I'm stuck on.
Check on their Partner tabs
It says ex-husband and wife
Try resetting their Partner tabs again; make sure you do it for both of them
Also try going to 'Add Partner' and 'Set Partner to X'.

You may want to change the type of relationship back to married. I think this should do the trick.
Have they been set to different partners in the meantime?
I don't think so