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Is there a way to show on a person's "box" that they have bio notes?

+2 votes
Is there a way to indicate on a family tree that there are bio notes for a specific person? I'm imagining a small icon on the person - then you would click to view the notes.

If it's not currently possible, please can I make this a feature request?
asked Jul 25, 2022 by nicholsj (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

There is no way to automatically show that a person has a biological note in Family Echo. You could do this manually by showing one of the biographical fields that you don't normally use and putting, for example, The "Notebook with Decorative Cover" Unicode character into that field.

But having something like this happen automatically is a neat idea. You should send it in as a feature request via the "Send Feedback" link at the bottom of the Family Echo screen.

answered Aug 2, 2022 by lsommerer (51,650 points)
edited Aug 2, 2022 by lsommerer