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Revoke sharing privileges?

+1 vote
Hello, I would like to revoke sharing to a specific individual, or to all individuals and maintain the tree completely private.  How do I do this?  Thank you.
asked Jun 26, 2022 by tarasmc (150 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
There is no way to do this. Even if you delete the tree, the people you have already invited will still have access.

The best you can probably do is exporting your tree, importing it as a new tree, and then deleting all of the people from the old tree.
answered Jun 27, 2022 by lsommerer (52,950 points)
Thanks for the answer. Holy moly. That is not good. I wish they would change it or at least put a huge warning, "SHARING IS PERMANENT, YOU CANNOT UNDO THIS".  I was considering deleting and doing a new tree, but you say that even this won't work.  But I assume that if I delete all the individuals from the existing tree, this will delete them for all the people who are sharing it, too.  Basically take a flamethrower to the whole thing.  Right?
Yes, I think that should be made clearer as well. You might use the Give Feedback link to make that suggestion. It didn’t actually occurs to me that you could delete each person individually until I was replying to your question.